Thursday, October 11, 2012

Short Straw Bride - A Review

I have always enjoyed reading books by Karen Witemeyer and this book is no exception.  This author develops characters that just make you want to smile.
We meet Meredith Hayes.  She is a young woman who is being encouraged into a marriage of convenience.  She secretly carries a torch for the man who caught her in a trap (literally) as a girl.  Not much is known about the mysterious Archer clan but she is certain of the kindness she experienced years earlier.  When a plan is overheard to threaten the Archer family’s future she feels an obligation to warn them.
Travis Archer has raised his younger brothers on their ranch isolated from the threat of the outside world.  He has promised his dying father that he will never leave the ranch.  Meredith Hayes comes into his world for a second time and he will never be the same.  What do these men know about being around a woman?  No much it would seem but learning how to treat Miss Hayes is hilarious.    This story will warm your heart and show how trusting God with your family’s safety is a never-ending battle.
I was given this book in exchange for this review by Bethany Publishers.  The opinion is my own.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hello World!

Ahhh.  I'm back!  This last year has been a crazy ride.  In the last year we have built a house and moved.  I know alot of people build houses but we do almost all of the work ourselves...  Nights and weekends for a little over a year were dedicated to construction.  My husband has an amazing ability to use his hands to build homes.  He works full time at a desk job and then builds in the remaining time. 

For the last month we have been unpacking, starting a new school and settling into country life. We moved from living on a city lot to 20 acres in to country.   It is so amazing to look out my bedroom window at night and see countless number of starts.

I have been without the internet on my computer for the last month and a half.  It is great to be back.  I can't wait to share all the things I have discovered.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Submerged - A Review

I read a book last week by a new author.  The book was called Submerged by Dani Pettrey.  I'm always looking for new authors to try.  Mrs. Pettrey did an excellent job on her book and I am an instant fan. 

This book is set in a quaint little town in Alaska called Yancey.  It begins with a plane crash and then the story begins...  Bailey Craig is the heroine who is returning to Yancey to settle her aunt's estate.  Her colorful past in this quaint little town still haunts her.

Cole McKenna owns an adventure/ outfitter business with his siblings.  He also is a rescue diver.  He watched Bailey self-destruct years ago and is reaching out to her again.  I loved the dynamic between Cole and his 2 sisters and brother.  This family is so welcoming and genuine.  I would love to meet them in real life...  A murder is loose in this small sea-side town and Bailey and Cole must work together to figure out what he is after and how to stop him.  The plot had amy twists and turns and I loved how it ended.  I can't wait until the next book comes out in Feb. 2013.

If you are a fan of Dee Henderson or Susan May Warren then you will love this book.  You can buy this book here

Just be warned, you won't be able to put it down once you start it!  Hope you find a cool shady spot to enjoy this book :)

I was given a copy of this book by Bethany Publishers in exchane for this review and I loved it!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chasing the Sun - a review

I love to read.  It is such a great way to escape to different times and places.  I read a book recently by Tracie Peterson called Chasing the Sun.  I have to admit right up front that I am a big Tracie Peterson fan.  ( I have 6 other books by her in my library right now.)   I love the way she develops characters and the stories she weaves them into.
Chasing the Sun is set in Texas during the end of the Civil War.  The two main characters are on different sides of the war between the states. Hannah Dandridge is a strong willed and capable woman that is left in charge of a ranch in Texas.  William Barnett is a wounded union soldier that has returned home from the war to find his ranch has been "given" to the Dandridge family by the Confederacy.  This story was a great read.  I really enjoyed the characters and the way she brought the salvation message into this tale.  This is book 1 in the Land of the Lonestar series and I can't wait to see how she continues the story...

 I was given this book by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for this review.  I jumped at the chance to review this book because I wanted to read this book when it was first released and getting a free copy to do that is great!

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Girl

This last Sunday was Easter Sunday and my daughter got to wear the "special" dress we had picked out a couple of weeks before.  It was so cute to watch her and her dress.  After she put it on she came out of her room and stood there waiting for daddy to notice how beautiful she looked.  She wasn't disappointed.  Daddy told her she looked pretty and you could see her joy.  She spent the rest of the day twirling, curtsying and playing in the special dress.  I love having a daughter to share in the girlie things of life! 
As a mom it is so easy to get caught up in the everyday chores and stress of life and forget the joy in knowing that God made me a mommy and girl and maybe I need to stop and do a little twirling of my own....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Ladybug

God gave me a special gift.  His gifts come in all shapes a sizes.  This gift was small, red and had 6 legs.  February is ending very soon and winter has a little time left.  I am ready for spring.  I'm ready for warm sunny days, wildflowers and kids running around outside.  Some friends on facebook have been talking about the daffodils starting to bloom and other signs of spring.  They are in California.  Here is Montana we have a good little bit of winter left.  I have to admit a little bit of jealousy knowing that spring has started without me...

When we were out at the house project my kids came running up to me so excited to show me what they found.  They found a ladybug.  Now some people may say sooo what?  I was encouraged and reminded by God that my spring is coming.  He is faithful.  He has a spring planned for me in His time.  His ways are not my ways but He has a plan!