Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Husband Journal

A husband journal is not a book where you keep every little thing that your husband has ever done to drive you crazy.  I know the title of this post is a little goofy but hear me out.  I have a notebook that I bought before I got married.  In this journal I write letters to my hubby.  I write on Valentine's Day, our anniversary or any other day I just want to let him know how much I love him.  Remember how receiving those little love notes made you feel special when you were dating?   

Here are 2 verses "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:25  and " A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11  Writing a note can seem kind of "small"  but our words of encouragement can be so powerful. 

Most of us have a empty journal or notebook laying around that could be used for blessing our spouse.  I have found that I am blessed when I write to my hubby.  If you take a few minutes to sit down and write out a list of why you love your spouse or a few things he has done lately that really made you feel special it changes your attitude.  It can make you grateful for the person God has given you.  Just writing it down reminds me of all the things Travis does for me.  I leave the journal on his pillow when it has a new entry for him to read.  It is fun to see his surprise when he sees it.  We have been married for 10 years but it only gets sweeter as the years go by...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Book Review

I have read to books lately that were excellent.  The first on is called Unshaken by Dan Woolley.  I usually don't read non-fiction.  I read to be entertained but I had to read this book.  Shortly after the earthquake in Haiti I saw a message on Facebook that there was this guy named Dan Woolley in Haiti that no one had heard from since the quake.  Prayer was asked for in reguard to his safety.  I didn't know him but joined with countless others in praying for Dan.  When I saw this book at Walmart I knew I needed to read it.  His story was amazing.  God is faithful in the most hopeless situations!

The second book is called Great Parents, Lousy Lovers  by Gary Smalley & Ted Cunningham.  This book has been both convicting and challenging.  It was easy to read but hard to see how much I need to change.  You know you are in "trouble" when the author quotes you word-for-word in the ways you talk to your kiddos.  The premise of this book is that we as parents need to make our households couple-centered instead of letting it be child-centered.  Investing time and energy in my marriage is hard sometimes when the kids demand both.  It is important to show them how important marriage is and where they fit in the beautiful picture God has designed a family to be.  I haven't finished this book yet because it takes time to absorb.  I just wanted to say how great this book is and can't wait to finish it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Almond Raspberry Jello

This recipe has been a family favorite for a long time.  My grandma made this for years and some family members claim that it isn't Christmas/Thanksgiving/Easter without this treat. 

You will need:
2 cups of water
1 large box of raspberry Jell-O
3 bananas - smashed
1 cup of sour cream
2 bags of frozen raspberries
1 can of crushed pineapple (20 oz) - drained
sliced almonds

Dissolve Jell-O in 2 cups of boiling water.  In a large bowl smash the bananas.  Pour Jell-O, 1 bag of frozen raspberries, and the crushed pineapple into the bananas.  Stir until mixed.
Pour half of mixture into a 9 X 13 pan or container of choice.  Put pan in the freezer for a few minutes until Jell-O sets up.  Evenly spread a layer of sour cream over Jell-O in 9X13.  Pour remaining Jell-O mixture on top of sour cream.  Sprinkle 1 bag of frozen raspberries and desired amount of sliced almonds on the top.  Place in the refrigerator until set up.  Enjoy!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mini rice bag

It has been kinda cool here for the last few days.  I had an idea that made my hubby roll his eyes and my 4 year-old ask for his own after seeing it.  My grandma made me a rice bag for heating up and putting on sore necks, shoulders or whatever hurts.  My kids got their own for Christmas a couple of years ago.  They have me put their rice bags in the microwave right before bedtime.  They like to snuggle up with these warm bags at night.  I must confess to heating up a rice bag for my bed on nights when the thoughts of cold sheets make me shiver.

 We walk to school every morning and it has been well below zero the last few mornings.  Brainstorm!  My fingers get kinda cold in the mornings... what about a mini rice bag to heat up and put in my coat pockets?
All I needed was a small piece of flannel and some rice.  I cut my fabric pieces in 3X5 strips.  Sew 3 sides together and fill with 1/2 cup of rice.  Sew last side together and done!  I love quick and easy projects.
I put 2 mini bags in the microwave for 40 seconds.  These little bags make me smile when I put my hands in my pockets.  Warm and toasty...

Fish fabric made this "manly" enough for my little man.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Choose to Thrive

I have added a link to this blog ( in my Just For Fun section.  I really love her attitude that no matter what life my throw at us we can choose to thrive!