A husband journal is not a book where you keep every little thing that your husband has ever done to drive you crazy. I know the title of this post is a little goofy but hear me out. I have a notebook that I bought before I got married. In this journal I write letters to my hubby. I write on Valentine's Day, our anniversary or any other day I just want to let him know how much I love him. Remember how receiving those little love notes made you feel special when you were dating?
Here are 2 verses "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:25 and " A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." Proverbs 25:11 Writing a note can seem kind of "small" but our words of encouragement can be so powerful.
Most of us have a empty journal or notebook laying around that could be used for blessing our spouse. I have found that I am blessed when I write to my hubby. If you take a few minutes to sit down and write out a list of why you love your spouse or a few things he has done lately that really made you feel special it changes your attitude. It can make you grateful for the person God has given you. Just writing it down reminds me of all the things Travis does for me. I leave the journal on his pillow when it has a new entry for him to read. It is fun to see his surprise when he sees it. We have been married for 10 years but it only gets sweeter as the years go by...
This is such a great idea! I did somthing kind of like this for Valentine's day. I cut out 365 slips of paper and wrote a reason why I love my hubby on each one (well, I'm almost done). You are right, I was so blessed to write to my husband. Sometimes it's way too easy to only think of the things that irritate me and not the many reasons I love him. I love the idea of a journal though so it is ongoing and easy to keep your note in one place!