Friday, March 22, 2013

5 Days to a Clutter-Free House : A Review

Spring is in the air!  Clutter beware.  
I have to admit the title of this book caught my attention and made me mutter "yeah right".  A clutter free-house in 5 days sounds amazing and impossible.  This book has a very unique method to dividing and conquering the clutter in your home.  I love how the authors added real life stories throughout the book as examples of people who have succeeded.  This approach works best with a team of friends/volunteers and some boxes.  I like how the process described in this book will quickly organize and declutter.  One of the main problems with clutter is that it is so easy to get bogged down and distracted by it.   The authors don't just tell you to throw it all out but show you how to distinguish between a treasure and something that is just taking up space.  They also show the reader how to maintain the house after the radical transformation.  

These ladies have alot of experience with helping others get organized.  Ms. Felton is the founder of Messies Anonymous and the author of several books.  You can find her website at   Ms. Sims is the founder of Sort-It-Out Inc., a professional organizing firm in Florida.

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions expressed are my own.
You can buy this book here at

Monday, March 18, 2013

A Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year: A Review

Every now and then I come across a book that not only challenges me it begs for action.  This book by Diane Stortz is such a book.  I have been a christian since I was five ( it was a while ago).  I have gone to christian school for all 12 years of elementary school and yet never read the Bible all the way through...

This is not something I am proud to admit.  What message is this sending my kids?  That only part of God's Word is important and useful?  The God of the universe wrote me a love letter and I haven't read all of it.  Yikes!  I have started out to conquer this huge goal before and always quit when it got hard about Leviticus.

I was given a chance to review a book called A Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year -  a life-changing journey into the heart of God.  The title was very well written.  The book is written in a way that Ms. Stortz comes to you to share a wonderful gift.  She has done a group study of reading through the Bible in a year for 10 years!  The author lays out a plan to read through the Bible and give you checkpoints and questions for each week.  
I am going to do this book.  I want to start a group of woman on this journey with me.  I am still trying to figure out the logistics of having a group at my house.  How often will we meet?  Who should I invite?  This is not going to be a group that meets to gossip about others but a group of women committed to drawing closer to their Savior.  Holding each other up as we read this marathon together.

I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for this review.  All opinions are my own.  I will be buying more copies of this book.  You can find this book at

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cleaning House : A Review

This book by Kay Wyma is one of my top 10 parenting books.  This book was easy to read but the subject will stay with me forever.  Why is it so hard as a mom to train your children to be self-reliant?  I jump in and do things for them instead of letting them try the task for themselves.   Not only am I not giving them the life-skills they will need but I am sending the silent message that they can't do the task.  This book was a 12 month experiment by a mother of four children to mold and shape her brood to be more independent and see the needs of others before their own.  The monthly tasks range from clutter control to home repair to community service.  At the end of each chapter the author tells us what she learned that month and what her kids learned.

The last 3 sentences of this book say:
" Culture doesn't determine who people become.  People determine what the culture will be.  Might our equipped, empowered, unentitled kids be the ones who set the course for the future."

I love this book.  Please read this book if you have children.  It will challenge and encourage you.  You can find this book here at  You can go here to read the first chapter for free.

I received this book for free fromWaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
All opinions are my own.