Every now and then I come across a book that not only challenges me it begs for action. This book by Diane Stortz is such a book. I have been a christian since I was five ( it was a while ago). I have gone to christian school for all 12 years of elementary school and yet never read the Bible all the way through...
This is not something I am proud to admit. What message is this sending my kids? That only part of God's Word is important and useful? The God of the universe wrote me a love letter and I haven't read all of it. Yikes! I have started out to conquer this huge goal before and always quit when it got hard about Leviticus.
I was given a chance to review a book called A Woman's Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year - a life-changing journey into the heart of God. The title was very well written. The book is written in a way that Ms. Stortz comes to you to share a wonderful gift. She has done a group study of reading through the Bible in a year for 10 years! The author lays out a plan to read through the Bible and give you checkpoints and questions for each week.
I am going to do this book. I want to start a group of woman on this journey with me. I am still trying to figure out the logistics of having a group at my house. How often will we meet? Who should I invite? This is not going to be a group that meets to gossip about others but a group of women committed to drawing closer to their Savior. Holding each other up as we read this marathon together.
I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own. I will be buying more copies of this book. You can find this book at christianbook.com.http://www.christianbook.com/womans-reading-bible-changing-journey-heart/diane-stortz/9780764210730/pd/210730?item_code=WW&netp_id=1021495&event=ESRCG&view=details
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